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Imagining steel, we manufacture the future

Imagining steel,
we manufacture
the future
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Goal Future Sustainability

At Hydnum Steel we are fully committed to the goal of leaving a better planet for the next generation.

The traditional blast furnace route generates approximately 2 tons of CO2 per ton of steel produced. Our plant is designed to be a European leader in the production of green steel by using renewables, reducing CO2 emissions.


The Hydnum Steel project contributes to the biggest technological change in the steel industry worldwide, demonstrating that producing high quality green steel is not only competitive, but also respectful of the planet and everyone’s future.


Our green commitment extends to all areas of the company. Sustainability is our strategy, not just part of it. We are betting on a new production and consumption paradigm.

The entire supply chain is designed to guarantee the reduction of waste, increase recycling and maximum value of the

The entire value chain is designed to guarantee waste reduction by: increasing recycling, reusing and maximizing the waste generated, lower energy consumption and reuse valuable resources such as water.

Digital Heart

Hydnum Steel is committed to the circular economy and to technological innovation, digitalization, and AI to achieve more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly production.


Hydnum Steel will be a fully digitized plant from the beginning, which will help control the production process in a way never seen before, ensuring a more sustainable, safe, and efficient steelmaking process.

Big Data

We will have advanced analytics and machine learning applications that will allow us to identify areas for improvement in real time, anticipate problems and make the necessary strategic decisions.

Artificial Intelligence

Vision and artificial intelligence applications will ensure proper quality control while guaranteeing operator safety.

Our commitment
to water

Water is a scarce commodity, but it is also indispensable for industry. At Hydnum Steel, it is clear to us: the steel industry of the future must use water efficiently and sustainably. Our plant will focus on:

Reducing water consumption
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We care about every drop. That’s why Hydnum Steel will use state-of-the-art technology to minimize water consumption in the process.

Recycling greywater and wastewater
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Technological solutions will be incorporated to treat gray water and wastewater to become suitable for use in the plant’s productive process.

Reclaim used makeup water
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Used makeup water will be re-treated and incorporated back into the process. Specific processes and quality controls will also be implemented to avoid harmful discharges to the environment. Specific processes and quality controls will also be implemented to ensure zero impact on the environment.

We are in Puertollano

Hosting a wide range of industrial land, communication infrastructures and strategic geographical position, close to the main logistics hubs, as well as the presence of the National Hydrogen Center, makes Puertollano the perfect location for Hydnum Steel.

Our project is connected to the historical link that Puertollano has with industry, and at the same time represents the future, the continuity towards a new industrial model built on the principles of technological innovation, digitalization, and emission-free sustainable development.

Puertollano, a reference for its mining past, will now be a reference for the steel industry of the future.